Our full-suite of in-house diagnostic equipment gives us detailed insights into any health complications you pet may have. Chemical components in your pet’s blood are analysed for the health and condition of your pet.

These chemical levels in your pet’s blood can highlight certain deficiencies or dysfunctions in specific organs. This provides you and us with information in learning more about your pet’s immune system.

Vet referrals are welcomed. We will be happy to assist with any testing you may require for your patient’s health and peace of mind.

With our laboratory, we perform:
  • Complete blood count tests
  • Biochemistry and hematology panel to allow screening of liver, kidney, pancreas and hormonal disorders like hyperadrenocorticism (Cushing’s disease) or diabetes etc.
  • Rapid SNAP and ELISA tests for quick diagnosis of tick fever, heartworm and viral diseases like Feline Leukemia Virus (FELV), Feline Immunodeeficiency Virus (FIV), Canine Parvovirus, Canine Distemper, heartworm disease, Giardia etc.
  • Cytology exams to determine if infection is present
  • Urine tests for bacteria culture, stone/crystal analysis
When are blood tests conducted?

Blood tests are often performed at the following points:

  • First visit to the vet to rule out congenital diseases, baseline information and pre-anaesthetic testing
  • Yearly health check-ups as part of precautionary measures and vaccine boosters
  • When your pet is acting abnormally
  • As part of pre-surgical exams to determine the function of liver and kidneys as this affects the dosage of anaesthesia administered